an encyclopedia of finite element definitions

Reusing & citing

Reusing content from DefElement

The text, images, and other content on this website (excluding Font Awesome, which is released under its own license) may be reused under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license: this means that you can reuse any of the content as long as you attribute DefElement. For reuse on a website, you could attribute us by including a link to DefElement; for reuse in print, you could attribute us by including "DefElement" somewhere near the image or information; for reuse in a paper, you could cite DefElement.

The DefElement logo can be found on the branding page.

Citing DefElement

The code used to generate this website is available on GitHub under an MIT license.

On each of the element definition pages, you can find citations for the paper(s) that introduced that element. These papers should be cited when using a given element. If you wish to cite this website, you can use the following BibTeX:

       AUTHOR = {Scroggs, Matthew W.
                 and Brubeck, Pablo D.
                 and Dean, Joseph P.
                 and Dokken, Jørgen S.
                 and Marsden, India
                 and Nobre, Nuno
                 and others},
        TITLE = {{DefElement}: an encyclopedia of finite element definitions},
         YEAR = {{2025}},
 HOWPUBLISHED = {\url{}},
         NOTE = {[Online; accessed 26-March-2025]}

This will create a reference along the lines of:

DefElement poster

You may also wish to cite the DefElement poster that was presented at FEniCS 2023. To cite this, you can use the following BibTeX:

       AUTHOR = {Scroggs, Matthew W.},
        TITLE = {{DefElement}: an encyclopedia of finite element definitions},
         YEAR = {2023},
 HOWPUBLISHED = {Poster presented at FEniCS 2023, Cagliari, Italy},
          DOI = {10.6084/m9.figshare.23294939.v1},

This will create a reference along the lines of:

If you'd like a copy of the poster, you can download the A0 poster, the A0 poster (with bleed for printing), the A1 poster, the A1 poster (with bleed for printing), the A4 poster, or the A4 poster (with bleed for printing). These are all available under the same Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license as the rest of DefElement.